1 research outputs found

    Multilevel Hashing based Access Control for Authentication and Security in Relational Database Management System

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    The relational database is very widely used in these days and so as the relational database security is very vital to protect from different kinds of threats and attacks. The security of relational database is very important because now these days all data and information are stored in database by some form of database objects including user’s personal information like credit/debit card details, username, passwords etc. as well as confidential data of business organization and companies. Many researches are done in order to protect the relational database from these vulnerabilities but the methodologies of relational database security are not able to protect the relational database from all security issues. Authentication of users is an important issue in the database that is needed to be addressed most because it can give full access to the database objects. In this paper we present various security issues that can cause degradation in relational database security and we also identify various problems in the current database security policies. In this paper we propose the use of Multilevel Hashing based Access control mechanism for authentication and security in Relational database